Jotron バルクヘッドブラケット 85037付き Tron AIS-SART(レーダー・トランスポンダー)(日本国内ではご使用になれません)


  • S$805.00

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Product Description

The unique and innovative feature of the Tron AIS SART is the combination of its physical size and technical capability. The housing of the Tron AIS SART is identical to Jotron´s Radar-SART, type Tron SART20, – that is a total height of 251 mm and a weight of only 450g.  Technically, the Tron AIS SART is based on the following principals; the unit will be programmed from the manufacturer with a unique ID code and receives its position via an internal GPS antenna. This data is combined and transmitted using the international AIS channels (AIS A and AIS B) in the maritime VHF band.

Tron AIS-SART GMDSS search and rescue transmitter is “Wheel Marked” in accordance with European Council Directive 96/98/EC with latest Commission Directive 2011/75/EU (7th amendement).

Tron AIS-SART can be used as the “search and rescue locating device” according to IMO SOLAS Amendment in Resolution MSC.256(84) as required by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 2.2.

Key features of the Jotron AIS-SART model:

  • Tron AIS-SART gives the exact location, with GPS precision
  • Position update – every minute
  • Unique AIS technology contribute to a more effective and less time consuming SAR operation, due to superior position accuracy
  • The AIS-SART is detected on both AIS class A and B and AIS receivers
  • Small and compact design
  • Jotron Tron AIS-SART uses the same accessories as the Tron SART20 (bulkhead bracket, pole, life-boat bracket and neoprene protection bag)

This product includes:
- 1 x AIS-SART
- 1 x Bulkhead Bracket

General Specifications

Product Name Tron AIS-SART
Battery Lithium, non hazardous battery for safe and unrestricted transportation
Material Housing Glass reinforced Polycarbonate
Frequency 161.975 and 162.025 MHz (AIS 1 and 2)
Radiated Power Minimum 1W ERP (+30 dBm)
Time to GPS Fix Typically less than 2 min when operated in an area with good satellite coverage
Signaling Broadcasts position message, 8 bursts every minute
Broadcast safety message: “SART ACTIVE”
Position Update Every minute
Antenna Pattern Vertical polarisation
Antenna Height Place at least 1m (3.3 ft) above sea/ground level
Indication Transmitter and GPS system operating
Temperature Range
(degrees Celsius)
Operating: -20 to +55 
Storage: -30 to +65
Operating Life Minimum 96 hours
Standards MSC.246(83)
ITU-R M.1371
IEC 61097-14
IEC 60945
SOLAS convention

Size Specifications

Product Dimensions (mm) 251mm (H)
Weight (g) 450g

Further information
Manufacturer Product Features and Details
Product Sheet
User Manual
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Product Code

Warranty Terms
Warranty period: 2 years from date of purchase
Expiry date: at least 5 years from date of purchase
Terms and conditions apply
